I’m not going to lie, I haven’t been feeling the ‘holiday spirit’ this year. Maybe it’s because my friends and family are 10+ hours away from me. Maybe it’s because Dave is on a tropical island a thousands of miles away. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to think about trying to fit a Christmas tree into my tiny studio apartment. However…
One thing that I enjoy doing every year is writing my “I’m Grateful For…” list the day before Thanksgiving. So, here it is.
I’m Grateful For…
1. Having a beautiful, healthy, energetic, smart, funny, three year old boy. He keeps me busy and always makes me strive to do my best in everything.
2. David Beneigh who is my rock and source of strength. He works so hard in Med School studying for ten or more hours a day but always makes time for me. He makes me blissfully happy and I don’t know what I’d do without him.
3. My parents who have been so supportive of me while I took the training wheels off of my life and have been out in Louisville on my own. You’ve been awesome through it all.
4. Mr and Mrs Beneigh who have also been a HUGE source of support. Thank you for always opening up your home to us and for everything you do. We ALWAYS look forward to spending time with “Mr and Mrs ‘Neigh”. (GO REDSKINS! ...and Steelers. Maybe)
5. Ashley Carlson. What can I say, you’ll always be my girl! From going to Derby, to partying at Bearnos, to just chilling watching movies at my place, we always knew how to have a good time. I miss you and wish you luck in everything that you’re pursuing.
6. Finishing the application process to school. I start classes on January 10th which I can hardly believe. It’s been a long time coming but I couldn’t be more excited.
7. My job which I LOVE. I couldn’t ask for a better boss than Terrence Bailey. The opportunities that have been awarded to me here I know I’ll carry for life.
8. December 3rd. Why? Because it will be my last court date to finalize the divorce. I will FINALLY be able to put the past in the past.
9. My car which has survived everything from my blizzard trip (thanks again for road tripping it with me, Chris & Lynds!!!!!!) from VA to Louisville, to drives out to Chicago, to simply getting me to work. Thanks for not breaking down on me (*knock on wood*).
10. Government aid. If I didn’t have that help through food stamps and subsodized child care I know there is no way I’d have been able to pay all my bills.
11. SeasonedGamers because after five years of being a part of the community you all feel more like family than ever.
12. Louisville. My new home that I adore. For opening doors of opportunities that I never thought I'd have. For the adventures. For making me a better person. Cheers.
Happy Holidays everyone.