Mario works at a financial institution and has a huge passion for money.
When he’s not working, hitting the gym, or spending time with his
better half, he shares many tips about anything and everything money related over at
Humorous, but practical, this blog is a great read and awesome if
you’re learning how to budget, cut back, or keep money in the bank! In
this day and age, I’ll take all the help I can get! Be sure to check him
out (also on twitter: @frugalrican), but not before reading his guest
post here at Life of Ikkins first! Enjoy.
- Tampons
- Lip Gloss
- Hair Brush
- Compact
- Wallet
- Gum
- Hand cream
woman reading this right now immediately recognizes this as the
everyday contents within their purse. Every guy that just read this,
thought this was a random list of my just spouting out objects for
absolutely no reason at all.
As the Frugal Rican, I've had my own share of personal experiences
when it comes to saving money, but I never figured that gender would be a
major reason and influence when it comes to how much I could possibly
save over the length of my lifetime. Out of those 7 items I listed, I
currently carry only one: Hand cream.
Just kidding.
Most men carry a wallet with the basics: Cash,
cards, phone numbers. That's it. There are no personal items, there are
no emergency female articles, and definitely no "beauty" products to
powder our noses. It's this great divide that seems to hold us back from
understanding why women spend so much sometimes. It seems like being
female comes at a quantifiable cost that males cannot understand and it
wasn't until I WANTED to understand, that I came to actually begin to
comprehend, how much more it can cost to be female. Yep, you read
correctly, just your gender alone can determine how much you are going
to spend and how much you are going to save.
I definitely don't worry about having a spare tampon laying around,
nor having a hand cream to moisturize with, nor does having a hand brush
ever come across my mind. And if you are completely curious, I scoured
the internet for lists of the most common things that are found within a
woman's purse (including asking Nikki) and then compiled a much more
condensed version based on those lists. I was surprised and, yet, not
surprised at the same time to see such a huge difference in just the
common objects that women carry around that men do not.
It's a harsh world, in these economic times, so I do feel a hint of
compassion with all the women that are trying to save while still trying
to be feminine. It isn't easy, but at least you have one more that
understands your pain. Stay frugal, ladies. Hopefully one day we'll
definitely understand what you, as a gender, must go through to keep us
all smiling.