What's the funniest thing you've heard/seen/done in the past week?
Don't remember where, but someone at SeasonedGamers.com posted a link to a gallery of the 50 Worst Band Photos Ever on Ugo.com. Hilarious!
The Similar Haircuts. Wonder if these guys need a manager...?
How does being a male in the world of primarily female bloggers feel?
Just about right. :) Actually, when I first started blogging, I made a concentrated effort to seek out guys who might be in a similar situation as I. Didn't have much luck, got bored, followed the suggestion of my hormones, and started clicking on all the pretty girl profile pictures. After discovering all the wonderful things that I have absolutely no interest in, like fashion, coupons, crafts, other peoples kids, etc., I settled down to a wonderful group of bloggers, female and male, that I enjoy reading. I will say though, that I haven't kept up at blogfrog. It's a decidedly female-centric community and I'm just not interested in most of what they talk about. I feel a little out of place too. At first I was excited about all the new followers, but I can't say I care enough about that to get over my discomfort and put in much effort to build relationships over there. But, if you're interested in finding like-minded communities, it's the place to be.
Someone's writing a book based on your life. What would the title be?
"You Would Have Thought He Could See It Coming" or "Holy Cow, I Picked The Wrong Guy To Write a Book About" or "Geeks Will Rule The World...Except This One" or "Hey, At Least He Can Make a Cute Kid"
You've got a blog too. Tell us about it?
It's called By God's Good Grace, but I feel I've stepped away from His grace, a little anyway. Nothing like a tragedy to help someone look towards God, and nothing like the ending of that tragedy to help him forget about the help God gave. But about the blog, it's a personal journal style blog. Stuff that rolls through my head from time to time. Even though my kids are a huge part of my life, I don't write about them very often. I wonder why sometimes...
What do you carry around in your wallet, coat pocket, pants pockets? Inquiring minds want to know. And by inquiring minds, I mean me.
Oh, same ol junk as everyone else, I suppose. One keyring with my car & house key, another for work keys (more than half of which I never use,) a cellphone (aka 'leash',) and a wallet. One thing about my wallet is that it has no personal credit cards in it. Just a couple for work. Except for monthly bills, I pay almost everything with a debit card. Wonderful things. Wonderfully dangerous things.
Tell us an embarrassing story from anytime in your life. Make it good!
This is the question I dread because I can't come up with a good embarrassment story. I just don't get embarrassed. For the most part, I couldn't care less what people think about me. I have a nasally geeky voice, one my mom sent me to therapy for but never got much better, so I got over it, along with all the other stuff that someone might consider embarrassing. I find my stupidity to be embarrassing, so I try very hard to not be stupid.There was a time, when I was in high school, we took a trip to Montana. A beer truck had wrecked and blocked the road through the Gallatin Valley. We were just setting there in our car, so I decided to start walking. As I was walking along, people were whistling at me. Found out later that I had a big rip in the back of my shorts. I wasn't embarrassed though. Just wish I'd taken the opportunity to drop trou and moon them.Still can't believe I had to be the one to tell them that they'd get in trouble if they just started giving the beer to the people waiting in their cars.And I can't help but read "embarrassed" as "em bare assed".
Name 3 bands/acts/singers you are afraid to admit you love.
I guess it depends on who I'm admitting it to. To all of you, I'm not afraid to admit anything, but I probably wouldn't go out of my way to tell my mom I listen to house dance music.Alright, alright, I admit it, whenever someone comes into my office, I almost always turn off whatever I'm listening to. Like Flo Rida, Cameo, The Little Mermaid Soundtrack.
What's the worst job you've ever worked?
I've been pretty lucky and haven't had terrible jobs. My first job was a couple of years as a yard/cleanup kid at a concrete plant, then I was a mechanic for 5 years, then a detailer for a metal building company for a couple of months, then 5 years as a truss designer, and now a truss plant manager.For physical labor, the concrete plant was the worst. I helped bust tires on their concrete trucks. Had to do 25 in one day. That sucked, but it was proud of myself for being able to do it, being such a skinny kid and all. The 'knuckle buster' job was cake. As for mind-numbing, the detailer was the worst. I had to count bolts. Not even real bolts. I had to count nuts and bolts on paper.Oh wait! I worked for a concrete contractor for a couple of months. In California. In 100+ degree weather. Yeah, that was the worst.
How would you spend 1 million dollars?
Sheesh. Never been one to dream about winning the lottery. All the boring stuff I guess. Pay off debt, set up college funds for the kids, buy a house, a car, lasik eye surgery.Oh wait, get a divorce... *rollseyes*I might try to buy into the company I work for. Become a partner. Somebody needs to run the place. Might as well be me. Probably need more than a million though.
Last but not least, who is your favorite blogger and why?
This is like a girl asking her date if he thinks their waitress is cute. There's only one right answer, "What waitress?" Since I trust all the other bloggers to recognize what's going on here, I'll answer correctly. Nikki, you are my most favorite blogger ever. I like hearing how your life's going, all the wonderful things that have happened to you over the last year or so, and what you think about the old movies you should have seen years ago. ;)
Someone's writing a book based on your life. What would the title be?
"You Would Have Thought He Could See It Coming" or "Holy Cow, I Picked The Wrong Guy To Write a Book About" or "Geeks Will Rule The World...Except This One" or "Hey, At Least He Can Make a Cute Kid"
You've got a blog too. Tell us about it?
It's called By God's Good Grace, but I feel I've stepped away from His grace, a little anyway. Nothing like a tragedy to help someone look towards God, and nothing like the ending of that tragedy to help him forget about the help God gave. But about the blog, it's a personal journal style blog. Stuff that rolls through my head from time to time. Even though my kids are a huge part of my life, I don't write about them very often. I wonder why sometimes...
What do you carry around in your wallet, coat pocket, pants pockets? Inquiring minds want to know. And by inquiring minds, I mean me.
Oh, same ol junk as everyone else, I suppose. One keyring with my car & house key, another for work keys (more than half of which I never use,) a cellphone (aka 'leash',) and a wallet. One thing about my wallet is that it has no personal credit cards in it. Just a couple for work. Except for monthly bills, I pay almost everything with a debit card. Wonderful things. Wonderfully dangerous things.
Tell us an embarrassing story from anytime in your life. Make it good!
This is the question I dread because I can't come up with a good embarrassment story. I just don't get embarrassed. For the most part, I couldn't care less what people think about me. I have a nasally geeky voice, one my mom sent me to therapy for but never got much better, so I got over it, along with all the other stuff that someone might consider embarrassing. I find my stupidity to be embarrassing, so I try very hard to not be stupid.There was a time, when I was in high school, we took a trip to Montana. A beer truck had wrecked and blocked the road through the Gallatin Valley. We were just setting there in our car, so I decided to start walking. As I was walking along, people were whistling at me. Found out later that I had a big rip in the back of my shorts. I wasn't embarrassed though. Just wish I'd taken the opportunity to drop trou and moon them.Still can't believe I had to be the one to tell them that they'd get in trouble if they just started giving the beer to the people waiting in their cars.And I can't help but read "embarrassed" as "em bare assed".
Name 3 bands/acts/singers you are afraid to admit you love.
I guess it depends on who I'm admitting it to. To all of you, I'm not afraid to admit anything, but I probably wouldn't go out of my way to tell my mom I listen to house dance music.Alright, alright, I admit it, whenever someone comes into my office, I almost always turn off whatever I'm listening to. Like Flo Rida, Cameo, The Little Mermaid Soundtrack.
Sha-la-la-la-la-laDon't stop now Don't try to hide it how You wanna kiss the girl
What's the worst job you've ever worked?
I've been pretty lucky and haven't had terrible jobs. My first job was a couple of years as a yard/cleanup kid at a concrete plant, then I was a mechanic for 5 years, then a detailer for a metal building company for a couple of months, then 5 years as a truss designer, and now a truss plant manager.For physical labor, the concrete plant was the worst. I helped bust tires on their concrete trucks. Had to do 25 in one day. That sucked, but it was proud of myself for being able to do it, being such a skinny kid and all. The 'knuckle buster' job was cake. As for mind-numbing, the detailer was the worst. I had to count bolts. Not even real bolts. I had to count nuts and bolts on paper.Oh wait! I worked for a concrete contractor for a couple of months. In California. In 100+ degree weather. Yeah, that was the worst.
How would you spend 1 million dollars?
Sheesh. Never been one to dream about winning the lottery. All the boring stuff I guess. Pay off debt, set up college funds for the kids, buy a house, a car, lasik eye surgery.Oh wait, get a divorce... *rollseyes*I might try to buy into the company I work for. Become a partner. Somebody needs to run the place. Might as well be me. Probably need more than a million though.
Last but not least, who is your favorite blogger and why?
This is like a girl asking her date if he thinks their waitress is cute. There's only one right answer, "What waitress?" Since I trust all the other bloggers to recognize what's going on here, I'll answer correctly. Nikki, you are my most favorite blogger ever. I like hearing how your life's going, all the wonderful things that have happened to you over the last year or so, and what you think about the old movies you should have seen years ago. ;)