

New News

Boxes, packing, buying furniture, etc

Yup, I’m moving again. This time to my own apartment in downtown Louisville!

While I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time living with Jeanette and the kids, it is now time for PJ and I to spread our wings and live on our own. Scary yet exciting. Story of my life, right?

A check list of a million “to-do’s” has been scrolling through my head since I signed my lease yesterday, May 19th. I’ll be getting my keys Friday, May 21st, and moving my stuff in (wait...I have stuff?) throughout the week/weekend officially out of Jeanette’s by May 30th.

On the upside, we were approved for the Community Coordinated Childcare Program (aka 4 C’s) which means that I have help paying for PJ’s daycare! He’ll be starting June 2nd in a state certified day care, the first non home day care he’s ever attended. I’m sure he’ll love the environment and do great as always! So… new home, new daycare, lots of stuff going on!

While we’re talking about PJ, I am proud to announce that PJ is now 100% potty trained! Well, actually more like 98%. He still has some trouble during the night, but we’re workin on it. I cannot believe my baby will be turning 3 years old on August 18th. How time flies….

To wrap up, things here in Louisville were pretty wild for a while. Lots of changes, lots of chaos, but a lot of good things are to come.

Update to friends and family; complete. Miss you all!


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