

I miss the island..

I miss seeing my best friends every day…

I miss breakfasts at PBH…

I miss going out to Tulips and shooting the shit…

I miss island time (not getting island timed by sometime else, though)...

I miss fun trips to Roseau and going to the “Spice Man”…

I miss the crazy Apples To Apples games...

I miss my local friends who always had funny stories to tell…

I miss seeing the Caribbean ocean every day…

I miss the gorgeous sunsets….

I miss being able to see the stars at night…

I miss the simplicity of catching a transport...

I miss the hikes and natural beauty of the rain forest...

I miss the random adventures...

I miss walking outside and looking at the mountains…

I know that many reading this are still on the island, wishing they were home in America. The grass is always greener on the other side, right? I'll tell you what though, I really miss that damn island. <3


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