

Perfect I tell you!

I know we can all relate to the fact that at times life feels like a chaotic mess. Sometimes nothing seems to go right and mountains of obstacles heartlessly stare you in the face. Once in a while, though, the way pieces of life fall perfectly into place is just amazing. It puts you in awe of life’s design and just makes you feel good great; kind of like the feeling you get when you complete a 1,000 piece puzzle! There is new news that has put me in that state of awe.

This morning Dave met with Ross University's preparatory school principal to talk about PJ's admission. The topic of me and my fluency in American Sign Language came up. It turns out there is a Deaf student (first semester) at Ross right now and Mary (the principal) wants to meet with me to talk about a possible job opportunity translating.

Why is that so awesome?? I (potentially) will have a job while in Dominica, meaning I won't have to solely support myself with student loans (even though the cost of living is very inexpensive). The job I'll (potentially) have is a huge resume builder for my dream career (interpreting/translating) and American Sign Language is something I am passionate (borderline obsessive) about. This new potential opportunity on top of all all the other positives for moving to Dominica has put me on cloud 9! Talk about having your cake and eating it too!!! I mean, what were the chances that there would actually be a Deaf student in Dominica while I am there?!!!

And that's the way the cookie (perfectly) crumbles, folks! I'm absolutely starry eyed and even more excited about the move now--I didn't know that was possible! Even if I don't get the translating job, I'll have a Deaf friend to hang out with; fantastic way to keep up with the language and make a new friend in the process. I don't think it can get more perfect than this. Thank you, life!!!


  1. I'll start reading your blog more, but that's great! I'm connected somewhat with the disability community, so if in the end you need a job whereever you are, I can perhaps help.

  2. Thanks, NoRegrets! I just started college so I've got to wait until I get get my Bachelors until I can the national ASL interpreting/translating certification tests. Unfortunatly it'll be a while until I actually get my career off the ground, but I can't wait!!

  3. Good news Nikki. That is awesome.

  4. wow!!!!! everything is falling into place :)

  5. Woot! So happy for you! :)

  6. While I agree that it's awesome, I completely stand behind the fact that God is still striving with you and His grace is still sufficient for you...don't be fooled by the world- give God His deserved glory for what He's done in your life!

  7. I love that feeling when everything falls into place :) Feels soooo good!!!

  8. Something greater than you holds all the cards!! Enjoy!

  9. Awesome!!! Congratulations!!! Just came by for the first time. What a post to start reading on. My daughter has been using sign language since 18 months old with Rachel Coleman's Signing Time!!!

  10. Welcome, Charisse. ASL is so great for kids since it's so interactive and really helps develop their motor skills! My 3 year old loves it too =)

  11. This is very cool Nikki! It's incredibly refreshing to read about great things happening to someone who so richly deserves it. Go Nikki!!
